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It may feel there’s a lot to accomplish to help employees and support mental health issues. However, starting small can grow and lead to bigger changes that can help transform the workplace culture and help with your staff retention, too.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) identifies a number of positives of going to work for mental health and wellbeing. The five aspects of work that promote mental wellbeing according to WHO are:

Time structure (an absence of time structure can be a major psychological burden)
Social contact (work does involve socialising, even if it doesn’t always feel like it!)
Collective effort and purpose (employment offers a social context outside the family)
Social identity (employment is an important element in defining oneself)
Regular activity (organising one’s daily life)

Positive changes happen when people and businesses engage with their best and most valuable asset – their people.
We’ve been building successful, positive company cultures for years and are the industry leaders in employee engagement. Put simply, we bring people and businesses together, creating memorable experiences that build connections and make a real difference to people’s lives.

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